Terms and Conditions Giveaway Promotion

Legal bases of the Giveaway


  • Identification of the organizer company

AKALA FASHION GROUP, S.L (hereinafter referred to as, AKALA STUDIO), domiciled at C/ Columela, nº 9, 1º D, CP 28001, Madrid (Spain), with Tax Number B05323803.


  • Purpose

The purpose of this Giveaway is to reward AKALA STUDIO´S followers for their loyalty.

The Giveaway shall be governed by this legal bases (hereinafter referred to as “Legal Bases”).


  • Territory

Participating is only possible from Madrid (Spain) and Milan (Italy).


  • Duration

The promotion shall enter into force on November, 29th 2022, and shall remain in force until December, 6th  2022 at 12am.


  • Participation’s rules and conditions

Participating in the Giveaway will be possible for all those natural persons over 18 years with residence in Spain and Italy. 

To participate in the Giveaway, Participants shall scan the QR CODE printed on AKALA STUDIO´s promotional posters and fill in a questionnaire with their data. Posters will be in the following cities: Madrid (Spain) and Milan (Italy).

AKALA STUDIO, as organizer entity of this Giveaway, will certificate that the Winners selected fulfilment of the requirements stablished in this Legal Bases.

AKALA STUDIO is not responsible for the veracity of the data provided by Participants or for not being able to contact the Participants and/or Winners if the data provided are not correct. 


  • Limitation

Participating and consequently being winners will not be possible for the company’s employees, employees’ familiars, fraudulent profiles, or competition’s experts. It is neither allowed the participation through agents, third parties, nor the usage of numerous identities. 


  • Prizes

There will be 4 Prizes (2 per city) , jointly valued at a total amount of (*). One Prizes will be awarded to each of the Winners, consisting of the choice of a total look of AKALA STUDIO (individually valued at less than €300.00). Hereinafter, the "Prizes" or individually, "the Prize".

Prizes have the following conditions 

  • The Prize awarded will not be transferable or susceptible to changes, alterations or compensation at the request of the participants, and cannot be exchanged for any other product or for money.
  • Winners may renounce the Prize obtained, but in no case will an alternative Prize be offered, nor will such renunciation give any right to indemnification or compensation.


  • Winner’s selection and Giveaway’s modality
  • To participate in the Giveaway, Participants shall scan the QR CODE printed on AKALA STUDIO´s promotional posters and fill in a questionnaire with their data (through Typeform): name, phone number and email.


  • If it becomes evident that any of the Participants does not meet the requirements of the Bases, or the data provided to participate is not valid, their participation will be considered void and they will automatically be excluded from the Promotion, losing all rights over the Prizes granted under the this Promotion.


AKALA STUDIO is exempt from any responsibility in case of an existing mistake in the information provided by the participants that prevents their identification. 


AKALA STUDIO reserves the right to declare the Prizes not awarded if the winners or substitutes chosen, do not meet the requirements specified on the basis, as well as in the case of not being able to locate the Winner or substitutes.


  • There will be 4 Winners, and 4 substitutes, that will be chosen through Microsoft Excel or similar on December, 6th 2022. It will be communicated through e-mail.


  • The Prize can not be exchanged for cash or any other Prize, nor can it be subject to change or alteration. The celebration of the Giveaway, as well as the awarding of the Prize are subject to the current tax regulations.


  • The Prize is personal and non-transferable. 


  • Notification of the Prizes and requirements for their delivery

Within five (5) calendar days following the date of the election of the Winners, AKALA STUDIO will contact the users who have participated via email to the address indicated on the form. 


Once the appropriate checks have been carried out, AKALA STUDIO will contact the Winning Participant to give him/her the necessary instructions for the acceptance of the Prize and its delivery. If the Participant cannot be contacted after two (2) communication attempts (sent on the same day), the selected Participant will be disqualified and will lose the right to obtain the corresponding Prize, which will be awarded to the substitute Winner. The selected Winner must resend the requested documentation.


The Prize will be sent to the Winners by AKALA STUDIO's logistics company to the address indicated by the Winner when registering in the Giveaway. In case of not being able to deliver the Prize, the Winner will lose the right to obtain the corresponding Prize, which will be awarded to the substitute Winner .


AKALA STUDIO is not responsible of the possible losses, deteriorations, robberies, or any other circumstance attributable to the delivery service that could affect the Prizes shipment.


The delivery of the Prize will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions described in the "Shipping" section of the website www.theakalastudio.com, as well as in compliance with the conditions of these Terms and Conditions.


  • Fraudulent or  irregular actions

In the event that AKALA STUDIO detects any anomaly or has suspicions that any Participant is preventing the normal development of the Sweepstakes, harming the purposes of the same, or carrying out any fraudulent acts that threaten its development, AKALA STUDIO reserves the right to cancel the Participant or Participants involved, all without prejudice to any other legal measures it deems appropriate to take

The verification of any of these practices mean the cancellation of participation. 

AKALA STUDIO reserves the right of taking legal actions against those individuals doing any kind of act that may be considered as manipulation or forgery of the competition. 


  • Disclaimer of Liability

By way of example, but not limiting, we are not responsible for any losses, thefts, delays or any other circumstance attributable to third parties that may affect the development of this Giveaway, nor are we responsible for the use made by the Participant regarding the Prize. that you obtain from this Giveaway.

We do not assume responsibility in cases of force majeure or fortuitous event that could impede the realization of the Promotion or the total or partial enjoyment of the Prize.


  • Personal data protection

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations, each participant with the acceptance of these Legal Bases consents that their personal data be incorporated into a file, ownership thereof, in order to manage the draw, as well as disseminate and publicize their results, and process the delivery of the Prize.


  • Responsible: AKALA FASHION GROUP, S.L (hereinafter referred to as, AKALA STUDIO), domiciled at C/ Columela, nº 9, 1º D, CP 28001, Madrid (Spain), with Tax Number B05323803
  • Purpose: Participation in the promotion, certifying compliance with the participation requirements and, if applicable, communication and management of the awarding of the Prize.
  • Personal Data: name, surname, phone number, email address and postal address.
  • Legitimation: Consent of the interested party
  • Recipients: (*), for sending; (*), TYPEFORM, SL for the form. In all other cases, data will not be transferred to third parties unless legally required.
  • Origin: The data are obtained from the interested party.
  • Rights: Access, Rectification, Suppression, Opposition, Limitation of treatment, Portability, forgetting and not being the subject of automated individual decisions
  • Additional and detailed information on Data Protection and Privacy Policy can be found at: www.theakalastudio.com 


  • Authorization and transfer of image rights and/or intellectual property.

Each Winner authorizes AKALA STUDIO to reproduce and use his/her name and image, in any promotional activity in any support or media (TV, Internet, Social Networks or others) related to this Giveaway, worldwide and with a temporary duration of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the Prize, without this conferring any right of remuneration or benefit, except for the Prize received. The creations, whatever their modality, which may be developed by AKALA STUDIO for the purposes set out above, will be owned by AKALA STUDIO and it will be understood that, by virtue of the Prize received, the winning Participant exclusively assigns all the exploitation rights over them, if this does not involve modification of the personal data of the winning Participant.


However, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Organic Law 1 / 1.982 of May 5, on civil protection of the right to honor, personal and family privacy and one's own image if this authorization is revoked by the Winners at any time, without prejudice, where appropriate, to compensation for damages, including expectations, caused to AKALA STUDIO.


This competition is not linked to any platform or social network.


Instagram does not sponsor, endorse, or administer this promotion in any way, nor is it associated with it. The participant is providing his/her information and data to AKALA STUDIO and not to Instagram.


  • Acceptance of the Legal Bases.

Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these legal terms and conditions. Any manifestation of non-acceptance of all or part of the legal bases will imply the exclusion of the participant and, consequently, AKALA STUDIO will be released from the fulfilment of the obligation contracted with this participant.


  • Changes and acceptance

AKALA STUDIO reserves the right to modify, suspend, shorten, or expand these legal bases, to the extent that it does not prejudice or impair the rights of the Participants in the Giveaway.


  • Applicable law and jurisdiction

These legal bases will be governed in accordance with Spanish law. They will be competent to resolve any claim or controversy that may arise in relation to the validity, interpretation, or compliance of these bases in the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.